Table 2

Raw outcome data

Outcome measureTimepoint
Baseline3 months6 months
Control (n=172)
Mean (SD)
DISCOVER (n=142)
Mean (SD)
Overall (N=314)
Mean (SD)
Control (n=171)
Mean (SD)
DISCOVER (n=134)
Mean (SD)
Overall (n=305)
Mean (SD)
Control (n=171)
Mean (SD)
DISCOVER (n=134)
Mean (SD)
Overall (n=305)
Mean (SD)
Primary outcome
 Total score38.2 (7.8)36.4 (7.1)37.4 (7.5)32.1 (11.9)27.0 (10.2)29.9 (11.4)30.6 (12.5)25.6 (11.9)28.3 (12.4)
Secondary outcomes
 RCADS anxiety t-score
 Total score65.8 (10.9)66.5 (11.1)66.2 (11.0)61.9 (12.5)58.4 (12.1)60.4 (12.4)59.5 (13.3)56.3 (12.7)58.1 (13.1)
 Total score33.5 (7.1)35.5 (7.1)34.4 (7.2)36.2 (8.6)39.5 (9.5)37.7 (9.2)37.5 (8.7)41.6 (8.9)39.3 (9.0)
Sleep condition indicator
 Total score15.6 (6.3)15.8 (6.9)15.7 (6.6)16.1 (7.4)17.4 (6.3)16.7 (7.0)16.7 (7.7)18.2 (6.6)17.4 (7.3)
 Total score39.8 (7.9)40.8 (7.1)40.3 (7.5)40.0 (7.6)41.5 (8.4)40.6 (8.0)40.4 (7.8)42.9 (7.7)41.5 (7.8)
  • CYRM-12, Child and Youth Resilience Measure-12; MFQ, Mood and Feelings Questionnaire; RCADS, Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale; WEMWBS, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale.