Table 1

Summary of the association between cannabis use and brain measures after false discovery rate correction (5%)

Brain measuresRegions/tasks/networksDirection/strength of association with cannabis use
VolumeRight inferior lateral ventriclesPositive
AreaLeft frontal polePositive
ThicknessLeft posterior ventral cingulum gyrusPositive
Tissue IntensityRight pallidumPositive
Diffusion tensor imagingFAGenu and body of corpus callosumNegative
ICVFGenu of corpus callosum
MDGenu of corpus callosum, cingulum cingulate gyrusPositive
L2Genu and body of corpus callosum, and left cingulum cingulate gyrus
L3Genu and body of corpus callosum, genu and right and left anterior corona radiata
Task-based functional MRIBOLD fMRI activity to emotional faces shapes in whole brainStronger
Resting state functional MRIDefault mode network, central executive network, salience network, and motor networkStronger
Default mode network, central executive network, salience network, motor network, visual network, subcortical-cerebellum network, attention network and limbic networkWeaker
  • BOLD, Blood oxygenation level dependent; FA, fractional anisotropy; ICVF, intracellular volume fraction; L2 and L3, radial diffusivities; MD, mean diffusivity.